Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Moving Day(s)

Three years have come and gone...which can only mean 1 thing: PCS time. I cannot believe our time in Hawaii has already come to an end. It seems like we just arrived on island, I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. But, whether I'm ready or not, that PCS date is rapidly approaching.

Last week we had to pack our entire material lives into large wooden crates and send it on its way across the ocean. Here's hoping it doesn't fall in!

Getting on that airplane in a few weeks will prove to be hard for me. I've thouroughly enjoyed being "lost" out at sea...on a beautiful tropical island that feels almost like it's own universe. Where no matter where you went, the air always smelled like flowers...where everyone feels like Ohana...where my heart will always long to be, even if for only a moment.