Saturday, August 23, 2008

My first blog....vacationing with my Brian

As most of you know, my husband Brian is in the Army and is currently serving a second tour of duty in Iraq. This deployment is a 15-month mission, the last one he did was 14 months long so we are becoming veterans of long separations. He came home on July 31st for 18 days to enjoy a little time out of the "sandbox". This is what we did:

Yeah, that's right. We bought a car! But not just any car folks, oh no no, we got ourselves a 2003 torch red SVT Cobra Mustang convertible. Wipe the drool from your mouth. No, to the left a little, wait, a little further down...there you got it. Nobody likes a drooling fool. ANYWHOO...we had to go to Maui to get this beauty, so we decided to stay a week :) So for your viewing pleasure, a few pictures of the beautiful island of Maui:

Brian will be back early 2009...when he gets back we are going to the island of Kauai. Stay tuned for those pictures. Who knows...maybe we will come back with another car :P

To Blog...or not To Blog. Is that a question?

Blogging seems to be a fast growing trend nowadays. I held out on this fad for as long as I could. As life gets busier, and time trudges along, I am finding myself in need of an easily accesible window into my life for family and friends. It's not that I don't adore those marathon phone calls of catching up 6 months of events with loved ones, but life is certainly commanding more and more of my time and attention these days. So here I am, jumping on this bloggers "bandwagon", we shall see how long the ride lasts :)